We plan to ignite the next disruptive food movement by reintroducing the magic of fermentation to the household. Fermentation is a significant boost to your immune system, it is a reduction of food waste and it is a creative space, between fresh and rotten, in which the most compelling flavours and textures arise.

We want people to start fermenting at home by launching– The Brinery For Home – an at-home fermentation vessel that makes the process of fermentation much simpler and more attractive to the mainstream.

In order to make people aware of fermented foods, we have also conceptualized a pop-up dining experience in which we present interactions and a tasting menu that redefines fermentation in peoples’ minds – taking it from a food process that is “disgusting” and dull to one that is delicious and desirable.

This project was done in collaboration with three of my super talented classmates AhreumBassam and Marie.

Pictures by: Pratik Ghosh

I love making process maps. Check out the whole Design process from inception to the realization of the product by clicking on the link below.

My sketches before prototyping

Early prototypes that I built for the funnel design.

    Read the feature on Dezeen Magazine